Diabetes is an illness which affects both adults and children. There are two important types of diabetes, type 1 diabetes which is more severe than type 2 and usually occurs during childhood and type 2 diabetes which usually occurs to old people, people who are overweight and also other categories.

To begin with, type 1 diabetes is an affection that not only changes the body system structure but also the lifestyle of children. Diabetes in children may occur at early ages such as 2 or 3 years old but also when the child approaches of his/her years as a teenager. In addition to this, parents have the most important role in the diabetic child life. Parents not only make sure that their children blood glucose is in control but also they have the task to explain to them about their new lifestyle, the procedures that involve diabetes and not in the last place, the most important task, to support and encourage their children.

Moreover for children with diabetes self-confidence, self-control is essential for an almost normal life. Even though they may be little infants, they should know from the beginning about their life as diabetes children in order to be aware about their condition in the future. Much more parents should develop to their children the sense of responsibility and independence but they should always keep an eye of them in order to help and guide them whenever they need it.

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First of all, an important category of children with diabetes are the 3 years old children. In these cases parents have the most important role in their children life and moreover in their life as diabetics. At this age group, children aren't aware of their condition and cannot take care of themselves. So, parents should be always near their diabetic children, they need to test their blood glucose daily, to administrate insulin injections a few times a day, to calculate their special diets and also to encourage their infants to make physical exercises.

Secondly, children between 3 and 7 years start to be aware of what happens to them and moreover they tend to involve in their own treatment. They begin to recognise the symptoms of low blood sugar and they know about their diets and the food that can eat or not. Another category is between 7 and 12 years. At these ages, diabetics children start to take care of themselves more by making their own blood tests, injections and also in choosing the proper food. Children have other activities, they go to school and in these cases parents cannot be with them like before. This age is quite difficult for children with diabetes because they notice that they are different than the other children of their age. In this case, parents should support them and encourage them. making them feel that they aren't less than the other children.

Thirdly, another category is between 13 and 18 years, At these ages, teenagers take over more and more of their daily diabetes management. Even though they are in charge with everything concerning their treatments and diets, parents should still keep an eye on their teen children. Because of the age, teenagers tend to become rebellious, they refuse their parents advice and help, they are even unwilling to keep an accurate log of their blood sugar readings.

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